The Top 3 Best Places to Visit in Venice, Italy

As many as 20 million tourists – from day-trippers and cruise-goers to international visitors from all across the globe – descend upon Venice, Italy every year.

But, regardless of how long you have to explore this unique and picturesque city built on 118 small islands, there are several must-see Venetian sights that everyone should factor into an Italy vacation. 

Let’s take a look at where to head to get a real feel for Venice when travelling to Italy! 

1. Piazza San Marco

No trip to Italy is complete without a piazza or two. But Venice’s Piazza San Marco offers especially beautiful examples of Italian architecture, as well as being the largest square in the city.

Featuring Venetian gems such as the Basilica San Marco and the Campanile, the expansive Piazza extends to the Grand Canal, making it an emblematic destination you can’t afford to miss. It’s also the perfect spot to people-watch with a glass of red wine or an Aperol Spritz, the region’s favourite aperitif. 

2. Burano Island

Another must-visit location in Venice you’re sure to have seen in almost every travel blog over the last few years is the colourful island of Burano.

As well as being home to some of the finest Italian lace, Burano is full of canals lined with rainbow-hued houses that are enough to make the island a photographer’s dream. Trust us, it’s well worth the vaporetto ride across the lagoon to catch a glimpse of this quaint fishing village turned Instagram sensation!

3. Ponte di Rialto

Yes, it’s often packed with tourists but that doesn’t make the Ponte di Rialto any less worth the visit. After all, you wouldn’t forgo the Trevi Fountain or the Colosseum on an Italy trip to Rome despite the crowds that gather at these spots both day and night!

Dating back to 1588, the bridge was once the only structure across the Grand Canal. These days, it’s a popular vantage point for taking photos of the continuous stream of boats that pass underneath it, as well as an excellent spot for taking selfies. And, once the sun starts to set and the crowds start to disperse, the Ponte di Rialto offers the perfect backdrop for a drink with friends or a plate of lobster spaghetti on the banks of the canal. 

Top 3 Places to Visit in Venice, Italy

As you might expect from a city that draws in some serious crowds, trying to narrow this list down to three must-see spots in Venice, Italy is no mean feat! In reality, Venice’s meandering streets and canals are full of amazing sights at every turn. 

If you have the time there are far more islands to explore, churches to marvel at, and bridges to cross than even the most extensive travel blog can cover. But, when you have a packed schedule like mine, these three spots offer more than a glimpse of Venice’s eternal appeal. 

And a couple of days exploring the waterways of Venice is more than enough to get me reminiscing about my past trips across the water