- The unique style of Botero.

As the 2nd largest city in Colombia, Medellin is big and busy. We found it to be extremely clean, organized, and safe.
Originally, we had planned to party all weekend. On the Friday night we went to Lleras which was busy and fun. That was it for that weekend though as we discovered the election on Sunday meant no alcohol sales until Monday morning. We ended up going to an interesting live music and visual arts show in a small theatre on Saturday night.
Here’s an excellent article on Comuna 13, the community below the cable car. http://medellinliving.com/san-javier/
8 ideas of things to do in Medellin: http://blog.roomorama.com/2013/03/27/the-real-medellin-8-things-the-guide-books-missed/#comment-12258
Post from an experienced world traveller who decided to call Medellin home: http://wanderingtrader.com/living-overseas/living-in-medellin/living-in-medellin/